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Join Us

Everyone makes a difference! 

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Enroll your youth

Are you interested in learning more? Is your student interested in attending our clubhouse? 

College Interns

Our interns are an intricate part of our organization. We are always looking for college inters. If you are an education, computer science, marketing, psychology or social work major, please contact us.

Support Us

Love shopping on Amazon? Use  this link for all your Amazon purchases and Amazon will contribute to NxTG with every purchase. A free and easy way to give back! Please contact us about our sponsorship levels or our wish list.


Would you like to know how to set up a youth-friendly mindfulness environment for your agency or school? Want to know more about how mindfulness can build resilience in youth?  Our team is experienced in presenting at local, regional and statewide conferences. Contact us for more information.

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